What are the benefits of outdoor education?
Studies have shown how beneficial outdoor education is for students from improving grades and decreasing stress, to building better relationships and increasing self-esteem. They leave our program with a stronger sense of community and higher appreciation for nature. Students take what they learn outdoors and apply it in the classroom. We have witnessed students, who struggle in the classroom, blossom in our outdoor learning environment and then take that success back to their school.
How many cabins are on site? What are the cabins like?
Camp Olympia has 30 cabins. Cabins are grouped in clusters. Each cabin holds bunk beds, with the smallest holding 14 beds and largest holding 20 beds. Every cabin and bathroom has air-conditioning and heating.
Who stays in the cabins with the students overnight?
We ask that schools provide chaperones of the same gender for their overnight stay at a minimum of a 1:10 ratio.
What grades can come out to the OEC?
We strive to meet the needs of all students who attend and pride ourselves on creating outstanding outdoor education programs for all age groups and grade levels. We recommend for overnight stays that the students be in at least the 3rd grade.
Are you accommodating of food allergies or special diets?
Yes! Our Chow Hall Director excels at creating a menu that invites everyone to enjoy an amazing meal. Be sure to inform our Outdoor Education Directors during the planning stages, and we will happily have everything prepared and ready to go. Occasionally, we have had students or teachers who need to bring their own food, and we are able accommodate that as well.
How many students can attend?
Our facility can host over 250 students, but we have had school groups as small as 50 attend. We can work with your school to bring your students a unique outdoor learning experience that will impact their school year.
Can parents visit while the students are onsite?
It is up to the school to decide who can be a chaperone, but once the school is onsite, we ask that only those designated teachers and chaperones attend.
What do I need to pack?
Always pack weather appropriate clothing, closed toe shoes, and a hat. We also suggest a water bottle, sunscreen, and insect repellent. For overnight trips, camp will provide bedding except for a pillow, so bring your favorite pillow. Students will also need to bring shoes to wear in the shower and personal toiletry items. Packing List here
What if it rains?
As outdoor educators we love teaching in all conditions, as long as it is safe for the students! We monitor the weather continually and have alternate activities just in case we have to move inside. Cases of severe weather that prevent the group from attending will be handled by the Directors of the program as well as the principals/coordinators at the school.